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Nadi Jothidam

Nadi Reading Procedure

Nadi astrology procedure starts with the selection of the specific original olai chuvadi (palm leaf) relating to an individual which is a time-consuming process and it may take 2 to 3 hours or days sometime. The customers would be fortunate to get it within a reference to 5 or 6 olai chuvadi. Every leaf is pertaining to a person would contain facts about that person such as his and his wife's name, his parents names, number of siblings, the order of his birth in the family, whether he is the son of the first or second wife, in case if his father had got married twice and such other definite facts.

These are called Sakshis or witnesses. The customer should accept or deny the facts, when it is being read from the palf leaves. But he should not reveal the fact well in advance. If the particulars given in a particular do not agree entirely, the next palm leaf is taken and the process continues till the correct palm leaf containing the factual foresights completely, matches with his family particulars.


In many cases, the persons do not get their palm leaf(olai chuvadi). It means that the time to know their future hasn't arrived near to us. Periodically, we get new bunches from our Head Office, therefore those who did not get their Nadi in prior attempts, may get consecutively. However, we do not charge any fees in cases when the customer does not find his/her palm leaf, although much time we spend to trace out.

We have summarized the steps in short for your understanding as below.

Step 1: Search for Palm leaf Bundles

Our expert Nadi readers in India will physically search for your Palm Leaf bundle(s), which might contain your individual Palm Leaf. This first step is quintessential for a possible future reading. Only if you have a bundle, you have a chance to find your individual Palm Leaf through the subsequent matching process. All we need from you for this first step is your thumbprint (left for women, right for men) and in which country you were born. Our experts in India will then categorize your thumb impression into one of 108 categories to find the Palm Leaf bundle(s) for your type of thumbprint. Among the thousands of bundles for this type of thumbprint they will then select 1-3 bundles that might contain your individual Palm Leaf.

Step 2: Matching of your Palm Leaf (Indexing your specific bundle)

Once the reader has found your bundle(s) that might contain your Palm Leaf, the matching process and thus the search for your one personal Palm Leaf within the bundle(s) begins. For your convenience and safety, the matching process is conducted via a live video conference call along with a interpreter for your specific language. The matching itself happens through a process of elimination. Each Palm Leaf represents a life. The reader will read you statements from the first Leaf, such as “you are married”. If this statement is correct, then the reader will continue to read from this Leaf. If a statement is not correct, then the reader will move on to the next Leaf in the bundle, as the Leaf with the not matching information is simply not representing your life.

He will continue with the reading from the same Leaf as long as all the information on the Leaf is matching your current life. Once the Reader can read to you your name, your parents’ names and your date of birth, among other things, then you know that your individual Palm Leaf was found. This Palm Leaf was written for you by a Maharishi some 3,000 years ago, so that it can be read to you today, helping you find direction and answers concerning your life now.

Step 3: Reading predictions of the Palm Leaf

The Nadi reading is the most important part of your experience. Based on your individual Palm Leaf, which was identified during the preceding matching process, this final part will let you know about what the Maharishi wrote about your life. It will provide you with answers to your life’s current, burning questions and insights into your future life in all its main aspects: health, relationships and family as well as career and finances, previous life experiences, your past karma and its potential cleaning.

For your comfort and safety, the reading process is also conducted via a live video conference call. The same reader and interpreter who supported you during the matching process will also assist you with your reading process. The reading will also be recorded for you, so you can hear it as many times as you like.

Kindly call Us or WhatsApp on +91 99621 10803 to have your Nadi Astrology Predictions now!